Thursday, July 2, 2020

[Download] Last Mermaid PV Making and Audio

Here is Hey! Say! JUMP's newest single as promised~

Sorry I took so long with the last two singles (^-^;;)

Mata ne, Minna ❤


  1. Thank you so much! Btw I tried to download Dear part 1 but it apparently deleted? However, thank you for your hard work!

  2. Hi Admin-san. I'm sorry for being impolite when asking you this.

    The file of LM PV + Making is around 2GB, it's really large & when I download it via, the app doesn't let me download the whole file. now is not a free downloading website anymore, if anybody wants to download large file, they need to pay money for, or else it'll be limited downloading. I can't download any large file in since last year & I'm really struggling with this. I search on Youtuber, Google, trying many methods & those didn't work.

    I know I'm really impolite & asking too much but ...can you split the file into smaller ones & share it here? You can use HJSplit to split it. Seriously, I cant download large file on :(

    I really want to watch this ...I beg you ...:(

    P/s: You can try it yourself, downloading the file of LM PV Making , it wouldn't be finished , will not let people to download large file in one go , you need to pay money for them ...:(

    It let me wait for hours to continue the un-finished download, but when I try to continue, it's back to where I start, which means when I re-download it, the status is back to O MB. Although before that I already download over 1 GB.

    1. Hello, you probably already downloaded it, but I have something that can help you.
      When you create an account on Mega, they give you some free options (like donwload their app, put your phone number...) where you can gain more GB for download!! I'm using it and it's awesome, it helps a lot!!!

  3. P/s : OMG After hours of re-downloading, finally I can download this already! :(( I'm sorry Admin-san if I bother you :((

  4. thank you so much for sharing!!

  5. Thank You so much for Your kindness. ^_^

  6. thaaaaaaaaaaaank you so muuuuuuch!!! ;3; <3

  7. Thank you so much for always updating! I tried to buy the originals cd and dvd too but I'm still looking forward to your updates on this blog <3

  8. thank you so much for sharing it.
    i take some video from u, and i love them so much!
    they are cute and cool at the same moment..
    btw, i love u too. thank you so much for share their happiness with us.
    i will try to buy their next single or album or concert.
    thank you

  9. Thank you so much!!~

    Can't say how thankful I am as I couldn't but it from Japan as they refuse to deliver to my country due to COVID situation T_T

    Thank you!!

  10. Will you upload full MV and making from their new single "Dear My Lover/Uraomote"?
