Hey guys!! I've been getting a lot of emails recently on how to join the several LiveJournal communities linked in my Hey! Say! JUMP music video masterpost and I think it will be much easier to make a post about it!
Okay so there are six different LiveJournal communities I mainly link and they all have different steps to join. But the First step is to create a LiveJournal account. I know some of these communities will not accept your request to join if you are signed in from a third-party account like FaceBook etc.
This community is very easy to join, all you have to do is read the rules (here) and click "JOIN THIS COMMUNITY" on the top left of the page. It's located in the same place on the picture where it says "LEAVE COMMUNITY"
Similar to Jounetsu-8 you must read the rules (here) and click "JOIN THIS COMMUNITY"
This community requires you to go to their how to join post (here) and read all of the rules to join, after that on the how to join post you comment on there and introduce yourself. The post says to include "your location, bias, and other group that you like". The third step is to answer the hidden question in that post, and then click the Join button on the top left of the page. They also mention to write how long you've been a fan of Hey! Say! JUMP in the subject of the comment. It might take some time for them to accept your request but they will accept you if you commented correctly.
This community does not require you to comment on a post but it is important you read their rules (here). They moderate their requests so it will take a little bit of time for them to accept you.
This community is partially Friend-Locked, meaning some of their posts are locked and some aren't. To join this LiveJournal, you must read their rules & regulations (here), and comment on the post in the way they ask you to do. Be sure to click the "ADD FRIEND" button after you comment or they will not add you. There is a password you have to put in the comment hidden somewhere on there post or they won't add you.
It is very easy to join this community, all you have to do is read the rules for the community (here) and then click the "JOIN THIS COMMUNITY" button.
It is very important that you all follow the rules on their communities. We have to respect the people who took time out of their lives to translate and time these videos for free. I am not allowed to send links of subs or videos from these communities via e-mail or FaceBook so pretty please do not ask :3
I hope this helps a lot of people and I apologize for not answering my emails recently. I have been very busy with my college work and don't get much time to answer back right away.
Mata ne minna~ ❤